Browse Diploma of Sport and Recreation Management Results
Diploma Of Sport And Recreation Management SIS50115
Get down to business and turn your business acumen and passion for fitness into a career with a SIS50115 Diploma of Sport and Recreation. If you have a passion for sport and recreation, and a strong head for business, this qualification is your ticket...
Certificate III in Sport and Recreation SIS30115
If you’re interested in planning, operating and management in the wider realm of sport and fitness, start your career with the SIS30115 Certificate III in Sports and Recreation. Whether it’s maintaining sporting grounds, working in a customer service p...
Postgraduate: Graduate Diploma of Sport Management
The Graduate Diploma of Sport Management (GDSM) has been developed based on extensive consultation with experts in the field. This provides you with not only a post-graduate degree but also crucial work experience that aligns with industry requirements...
Graduate Certificate of Sport Management
The GCSM has been developed following extensive consultation to provide a post-graduate education that aligns with industry requirements and expectations. The emphasis is on equipping students with the skills and knowledge required to add value in a ma...
Bachelor of Sport Business (Leadership)
Turn your passion for sport into a career by immersing yourself in a degree that will broaden your theoretical and technical knowledge, so that you are fully equipped fora management role within the sport industry. The Bachelor of Sport Business will d...
Bachelor of Sport Coaching (Strength and Conditioning) (NSW Only)
To address the high demand for sport coaches and professionals in Australia, the Bachelor of Sport Coaching (Strength and Conditioning) is a specialist degree fostering the coaching, administrative, and professional skills necessary for a fulfilling ca...
Associate Degree of Sport Business (NSW Only)
Get a higher education qualification in two years when studying full-time! Based on the Bachelor of Sport Business in terms of content, the Associate Degree of Sport Business offers students the opportunity to get into the workforce quicker or alternat...
Diploma of Football (Development, Management and Performance) (NSW Only)
The Diploma of Football (Development, Management and Performance) will prepare you with the skills, knowledge and understanding for a range of future career paths in the football industry. In this unique specialised diploma, you will explore a range of...
Associate Degree of Football (Development, Management and Performance) (NSW Only)
The Associate Degree of Football (Development, Management and Performance) will prepare you with the skills, knowledge and understanding for a diverse range of future career paths in the football industry. Study how the football industry (e.g., soccer,...
Bachelor of Football (Development, Management and Performance) (NSW Only)
This is Australia’s first Bachelor degree of Football! A unique and specialised degree that equips you with the skills, knowledge, and understanding to prepare for a diverse range of careers in the football industry. This degree explores a range of foo...
Complete Personal Training & Business Course SIS30321, SIS40221 + BSB50120
AIPT has the perfect course to start your personal training business and hit the ground running with TWO nationally-recognised fitness qualifications – SIS30321 Certificate III & SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness – and access to The BSB50120 Diplo...