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Browse Undergraduate Degree Education Results
Bachelor of Dance Education (NSW Only)
Australia’s first Bachelor of Dance Education! Delivered through ACPE, this is a specialist professional qualification that is unique in Australia. Units are provided by highly qualified and experienced professionals, empowering you with all the knowle...

Bachelor of Education (Physical & Health Education) (NSW Only)
If you’re keen to pursue a career in physical and health education, the Bachelor of Education (Physical and Health Education) will provide you with the graduate qualification to become a PDHPE teacher. Based on the Graduate Outcome Survey 2021, ACPE wa...

Bachelor of Dance Practice (NSW Only)
The Bachelor of Dance Practice is a specialised degree that will equip you with the skills and experience to become a professional in the dance industry. The course develops artistry, choreography, performance, educational and organisational skills for...

Online Education courses also available
Gain an edge on the competition in the education industry by starting your Undergraduate Degree Education Course now.